Why do IT community ‘stuff’ ?

I’ve done IT community ‘stuff’ actively now for about 5 years. When ‘stuff’ I mean blogs, books, user groups, speaking, twittering (is that a word?) and so on about the stuff that I work on and the stuff that interests me. Across those 5 years I’ve worked with a lot of people both as colleagues…

Microsoft Intune Troubleshooting Portal

As detailed on the Microsoft EM+S blog yesterday, Microsoft have now added a new and improved troubleshooting feature to the Microsoft Intune portal. As you can see in the screenshot above you can get a ‘resultant set of policy’ type view for a specific Intune user. Also if you add a user that has no…

October 2017 Delta patch problem – WSUS/SCCM

A quick off the cuff post this one. There has been a lot of talk today on the twittersphere about a rogue patch affecting Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. It basically stems from the delta updates detailed in this article. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-server-update-services/deploy/monthly-delta-update-isv-support-without-wsus Specifically there is a section at the bottom which says… Prevent deployment of…